Sunday, December 11, 2005

Ultimate Survivor Day!

I'm so excited that tonight is the Survivor extravaganza. We'll be celebrating with a cozy fire and a chilly Blizzard from Dairy Queen. Ok, so we're simple people. Sue me.

Go Danni!!! Or Rafe. Not Steph. Woohoo!

Pictured here is my finished gingerbread house. For my first try I don't think it is too bad. I could have used a little more variety in the candy-covering department. I doubt I'll do it again. It was a lot of work and I am unable to convince anybody that it won't taste good, so I'm pretty sure it will be destroyed in short order.

I also hope to include some laundry (but not all, that is a physical impossibility. Unless we walked around naked) and possibly get the Christmas cards done among accomplishments for the day. If only I could remember to buy some stamps.

Also I am happy to report that so far I have not had any hysterics and/or shouting fits as a result of my late night at work. Thanks to The Husband are due since he got up with The Kids this morning and let me sleep until 10. I can't remember the last time I got to do that. Maybe next time I will actively seek to be on duty for a failover test.

Happy Survivor day, everyone. I hope your favorite wins. Ok, that wasn't entirely true. I hope my favorite wins, and that it happens to coincide with your favorite. If it doesn't, then I still hope my favorite wins. Kick butt, Danni!

1 comment:

  1. The gingerbread house is AWESOME! I can't believe how talented you are. Any time I tried a gingerbread house, I made it out of graham crackers. That's cheating. You did the real thing. That's so freakin' cool!
