Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Insane quilting update #8

The border is still NOT DONE! I am freaking out. Why is this border taking so long?? Luckily tonight is quilt night so I should have two solid hours of non-interrupted quilting time. Also, I lost the second page of my entry form, and now I can't remember where to turn my quilt in! Must find form! Must determine where to hand in quilt!


Unfortunately quilt guild night has a MAJOR conflict. I will be unable to attend any meetings until the season of Survivor is over. Unless we stop watching, which is a distinct possibility considering how they are doing some kind of race experiment, which I consider rather uncouth.

In other news, a friend of mine sent me this link. I am rather attached to the idea of The Girl using my dress for something herself some day (maybe she could be a debutante! How girlie and awesome would that be?) so I won't be donating mine. But it could be a cool way to dispose of bridesmaid gowns and other sundry wedding attire.

1 comment:

  1. Did you find the form? You go girl! You can get the quilt done!

    I decided to keep the 2 bridesmaids gowns I wore. I want them to show how big I used to be, pre-weight lost. 94.8lbs and counting.
